"Climate change studies warn that droughts are going to be more intense more frequent and longer," said Nuria Hernández-Mora, the co-founder of New Water Culture. "This is going to be the new normal, and yet we continue to approve the increased use of a resource we don't have, and which is becoming scarcer."
    This year is also set to become the hottest and driest ever recorded in Italy. "I don't know what we need to do anymore to make the climate crisis a political theme," said Luca Mercalli, the president of the Italian Meteorological Society. "No similar data in the last 230 years compares with the drought and heat we are experiencing this year. Then we have had storms ... These episodes are growing in frequency and intensity, exactly as forecast by climate reports over the last 30 years. Why do we continue to wait to make this a priority?” 
One of the most prominent manifestations of the crisis is the parched River Pol The flow rate of Italy's longest waterway has fallen to one-tenth of the usual figure, I while its water level is 2 metres below normal. The government declared a drought emergency in five northern regions, rationing drinking water, in early July. Villages around Lake Maggiore are being supplied by truck. 
Henley, Jon (2022, 7 August). 'The new normal: how Europe is being hit by a climate-driven drought crisis. The Guardian
From the context of the passage, the word FORECAST means 
A) prophesied. 
B) guessed. 
C) supposed. 
D) conjectured. 
E) predicted. 
From the context of the passage, the word FORECAST means (Del contexto del pasaje, la palabra pronóstico significa) 
A) conjectured (conjeturado). 
B) guessed (adivinado). 
C) supposed (supuesto). 
D) predicted (predicho). 
E) prophesied (profetizado). 
Rpta. : "E"
According to the text, which of the following sentences is false? 
A) The new normal presents resource scarcity from climate change. 
B) Climate change has affected the European continent enormously. 
C) European rivers show lower volume than in previous years. 
D) The climate crisis is favoring the presence of rainfall in Europe. 
E) These climatic changes have been estimated over the last three decades. 
According to the text, which of the following sentences is false? (Según el texto, ¿cuál de las siguientes oraciones es falsa?) 
The climate crisis is favoring the presence of rainfall in Europe (La crisis climática está favoreciendo la presencia de lluvias en Europa). 
En el texto se menciona: “Los estudios sobre el cambio climático advierten que las sequías serán más intensas, más frecuentes y más prolongadas”. 
This year is also set to become the hottest and driest ever recorded in Italy (Este año también se convertirá en el más cálido y seco jamás registrado en Italia). 
Rpta. : "D"
Which of the following sentences summarizes the main idea of the article? 
A) Droughts and lack of water characterize the times ahead. 
B) New studies are needed to understand river behavior in Europe. 
C) Water is a very valuable resource for mankind and must be protected. 
D) Europe is considering alliances to import water from other continents. 
E) Droughts are as frequent and intense as they were thirty years ago. 
Which of the following sentences summarizes the main idea of the article? (¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones resume la idea principal del artículo?) 
Water is a very valuable resource for mankind and must be protected (El agua es un recurso muy valioso para la humanidad y debe ser protegido). En el texto se menciona lo siguiente: “This is going to be the new normal, and yet we continue to approve the increased use of a resource we don’t have, and which is becoming scarcer” (Esta va a ser la nueva normalidad y, sin embargo, seguimos aprobando el mayor uso de un recurso que no tenemos y que cada vez escasea más). 
Rpta. : "A"
What can be inferred from Luca Mercalli's appreciation to the new normal situation? 
A) Italian politicians are interested in addressing this issue. 
B) The climate crisis does not have the political weight it should have. 
C) The climate crisis is not a political issue, but rather a scientific issue. 
D) There is not enough research to make political decisions. 
E) The situation in Europe is not as serious as in other continents. 
What can be inferred from Luca Mercalli’s appreciation to the new normal situation? (¿Qué se puede inferir de la apreciación de Luca Mercalli a la nueva situacion normal?). The climate crisis does not have the political weight it should have (La crisis climática no tiene el peso político que debería tener). En el texto se menciona: This year is also set to become the hottest and driest ever recorded in Italy. “I don’t know what we need to do anymore to make the climate crisis a political theme”, said Luca Mercalli, the president of the Italian Meteorological Society. “No similar data in the last 230 years compares with the drought and heat we are experiencing this year. Then we have had storms… These episodes are growing in frequency and intensity, exactly as forecast by climate reports over the last 30 years. Why do we continue to wait to make this a priority?”. (Este año también se convertirá en el más cálido y seco jamás registrado en Italia. “Ya no sé qué debemos hacer para convertir la crisis climática en un tema político”, dijo Luca Mercalli, presidente de la Sociedad Meteorológica Italiana. “Ningún dato similar en los últimos 230 años se compara con la sequía y el calor que estamos viviendo este año. Luego hemos tenido tormentas… Estos episodios están creciendo en frecuencia e intensidad, exactamente como pronostican los informes climáticos de los últimos 30 años. ¿Por qué seguimos esperando para hacer de esto una prioridad?”).
Rpta. : "B"
From the passage it can be properly inferred that 
A) climate change is not as severe as it was announced thirty years ago. 
B) public policies are important to facilitate access to increasingly scarce resources. 
C) climate change is generating severe changes in access to water resources. 
D) water is only one of the many resources affected by climate change. 
E) temperature change has not had an effect on the volume of water in Europe's rivers. 
From the passage it can be properly inferred that (Del pasaje se puede inferir correctamente que) climate change is generating severe changes in access to water resources (el cambio climático está generando cambios severos en el acceso a los recursos hídricos). En el texto se menciona lo siguiente: “Climate change studies warn that droughts are going to be more intense, more frequent and longer,” said Nuria Hernandez-Mora, the co-founder of New Water Culture. “This is going to be the new normal, and yet we continue to approve the increased use of a resource we don´t have, and which is becoming scarcer.” (“Los estudios sobre el cambio climático advierten que las sequías serán más intensas, más frecuentes y más prolongadas”, dijo Nuria Hernández-Mora, cofundadora de New Water Culture. “Esta va a ser la nueva normalidad y, sin embargo, seguimos aprobando el mayor uso de un recurso que no tenemos y que cada vez escasea”). 
Rpta. : "C"

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