Conocedores de la relevancia del conocimiento de la lengua inglesa en el ámbito académico, esta innovación implica la capacidad para comprender un texto en idioma inglés. 
Si bien es cierto el texto presenta un nivel elemental, será menester a lo largo del ciclo la resolución de materiales, a través de un trabajo léxico en la lengua meta.
    In 2002 New York City chose a new mayor, Michael Bloomberg. Michael Bloomberg wanted the people of New York to be healthy. In his opinion, they did the wrong things: they ate the wrong food, they smoked, they drove everywhere, and they did little orno exercise. 
    So Bloomberg tried to change their habits. Befare he was mayor, restaurant menus only gave the price of the food. 
But after 2007 restaurants wrote the number of calories in the food on their menus. He banned smoking in public places. He also tried to reduce the size of sweet drinks, like Coca Cola (but the Supreme Court stopped him). 
    Bloomberg had other messages for New Yorkers, too: do more exercise, leave your car at home, walk or ride a bicycle, and take the stairs when you can. He told them he always took the stairs, not the lift. 
    Sorne People thought Bloomberg was wrong. People's health is their business. But is it? 
What is the author's purpose? 
A). To criticize the way Mr. Bloomberg wanted to change New Yorkers. 
B) To evaluate many different things that people can do to stay healthy. 
C) To describe the lite of the new majorof New York City. 
D) To inform about how Mr. Bloomberg tried to change people's habits. 
The verb BANNED means 
A) allowed. 
B) questioned. 
C) prohibited. · 
D) refused. 
AII the following actions were performed, except one: 
A) Coca Cola cans and bottles got smaller. 
B) The calories were indicated on the menu. 
C) People couldn't smoke in public places. 
D) Exercise was recommended to people. 
What can we infer from the passage? 
A) New Yorkers wantto keep in shape. 
B) Peopíe often know what they eat. 
C) Most New Yorkers have bad habits. 
D) People always do the wrong things. 
Which of the following things can the author possibly support? 
A) Defend the right to decide what to do. 
B) Go to the gym with more frequency. 
C) Choose the food the people want. 
D) Go on a very strict vegetarian diet.
RESPUESTAS DE VERBAL :  1)D     2)C    3)A    4)C    5)C  
Odd as it may seem, most people’s views about motion are part of a system of physics that
was proposed more than 2000 years ago and was experimentally shown to be inadequate
at least 1400 years ago. It is a fact that presumably well-educated men and women tend
even today to think about the physical world as if the earth were at rest, rather than in motion.
By this I do not mean that such people «really» believe the earth is at rest; if questioned,
they will reply that of course they «know» that the earth rotates once a day about its axis
and at the same time moves in a great yearly orbit around the sun. Yet when it comes to
explaining certain common physical events, these same people are not able to tell you how
it is that these everyday phenomena can happen, as we see they do, on a moving earth.
1. As it is used in the passage, the word ODD most nearly means
A) uneven. B) unusual. C) obvious. D) strange.
2. Mainly, the passage focuses on
A) a misunderstanding. B) a law of physics.
C) a single theory. D) an experiment.
3. It is inferred that a moving earth is an idea that
A) is completely false and spurious. B) has not yet been assimilated.
C) has been denied by the facts. D) comes from ancient times.
4. It is inferred that the passage belongs to
A) the history of science. B) the methodology of physics.
C) psychological science. D) theory of motion.
5. According to the passage, if the earth were at rest,
A) would actually it move. B) science would be impossible.
C) most people would be right. D) physics would be superfluous.
Have you ever worried that, at any moment, you could be hit by a penny thrown from the
roof of a nearby skyscraper?
You can rest easy — at that point, at least. In fact, it is extremely difficult to turn a penny into
a lethal weapon, and throwing it at the top of the Empire State Building will not get the job
done. Even from that height, a penny is too small and flat, and mitigated by too much air, to
become a missile. Instead, it would flutter to the ground like a leaf.
If it did strike you, it would feel like being hit — "but not even very hard," said Louis
Bloomfield, a physicist at the University of Virginia.
Wolchover, N. (2012). Could a Penny Dropped Off a Skyscraper Actually Kill You?
Retrieved from (Edited text).
¿Alguna vez te ha preocupado que, en cualquier momento, puedas ser golpeado por un
centavo arrojado desde el techo de un rascacielos cercano?
Puedes descansar tranquilo, al menos en ese punto. De hecho, es extremadamente
difícil convertir un centavo en un arma letal, y tirarlo de la cima del Empire State Building no
lo hará. Incluso desde esa altura, un centavo es demasiado pequeño y plano, y será frenado
por demasiado aire, como para convertirse en un misil. En cambio, revolotearía hacia el
suelo como una hoja.
Si te golpeara, se sentiría como ser golpeado, «pero ni siquiera muy duro», dijo Louis
Bloomfield, físico de la Universidad de Virginia.
1. What is the central topic of the passage?
A) Reasons to be careful with pennies falling from the sky
B) The consequences of throwing a penny from a skyscraper
C) An investigation from University of Virginia about coins
D) The minimum distance from a penny to be dangerous
2. The word JOB is closest in meaning to
A) obligation. B) work. C) duty. D) task.
3. It is inferred from the passage that the author of the text
A) suffered from being hit by a penny in the past.
B) thinks that pennies flutter like leaves in the air.
C) considered many factors like size and shape.
D) found which kind of objects could be harmful.
4. It is compatible with the passage that pennies
A) could cause serious damages thrown by a great height.
B) can be considered harmless in some specific conditions.
C) are the only kind of coins that are stopped by the air.
D) can be used as projectiles in big skyscrapers for fun.
5. If someone were hit by a coin dropped from the Eiffel Tower, then
A) the height of that building would not be enough to kill someone.
B) the person impacted would die if it is was thrown from the top.
C) that coin would need to be faster to be dangerous for someone.
D) that building would be the best place to throw coins to people.
Our earliest memories may remain blocked from our consciousness because we had no
language skills at that time. A 2004 study traced the verbal development in 27- and 39-
month old boys and girls as a measure of how well they could recall a past event. The
researchers found that if the children did not know the words to describe the event when it
happened, they could not describe it later after learning the appropriate words.
Verbalizing our personal memories of events contributes to our autobiographical memories.
These types of memories help to define our sense of self and relationship to people around
us. Closely linked to this is the ability to recognize yourself. Some researchers have
proposed that children do not develop self-recognition skills and a personal identity until 16
or 24 months.
A past event: Un evento pasado
After: Después de, detrás de, tras
And: Y, y también
Around: Alrededor, en torno a
As a measure: Como una medida
At that time: En ese tiempo
Because: Porque, ya que, pues
Block: Bloque, trozo, cuadra; bloquear,
Closely: De cerca, cuidadosamente
Develop: Desarrollar
Development: Desarrollo, progreso
Found: Past tense of FIND (encontrar)
From: Desde
Girl: Niña, chica, joven
Happen: Ocurrir, acontecer, suceder
How well: Qué tan bien
If: Si (conjunction)
In 27- and 39-month old boys: En niños
de 27 y 39 meses
Know: Conocer, saber
Later: Más tarde, luego, después
Learning: Conocimiento, aprendizaje
Link: Unir, conectar, vincular; conexión,
vínculo, relación
May: Poder, puede que
Month: Mes
Of: De (preposition)
Our consciousness: Nuestra conciencia
Our earliest memories: Nuestros
primeros recuerdos
Propose: Proponer, sugerir
Relationship: Parentesco, relación
Remain: Permanecer, quedarse; restos,
Self: Uno mismo
Self-recognition: Autorreconocimiento
Skill: Habilidad, talento
Some: Algunos, un poco
The ability to recognize yourself: La
habilidad de reconocerte a ti mismo
The children: Los niños
The researchers: Los investigadores
These: Estos, estas
They could recall: Ellos podrían recordar
Trace: Trazar, delinear, rastrear; rastro,
huella, marca
Until: Hasta que
Verbalize: Verbalizar
We had no language skills: No teníamos
habilidades lingüísticas
Word: Palabra; redactar
1. The main idea of the passage is that
A) we hardly remember our earliest memories without language skills.
B) people is unable to remember anything since they are little babies.
C) an individual cannot remember when he born for a period of time.
D) a 2004 study confirms that children born recalling events very well.
2. Based on the passage, what is the concept of MEASURE?
A) Proposal B) Indicator C) Project D) Action
3. About the information from the passage we can infer that a child of one year
A) it is unable to process information at all.
B) cannot verbalize or produce any sound.
C) could not be able to recognize himself.
D) it is considered as a newborn for people.
4. It is false to say about the studies done in 27- and 39-month old boys and girls that
A) it has found that babies cannot develop language.
B) that study was realized in some children in 2004.
C) it showed that language is associated to memory.
D) it did not studied self-recognition and identity skills.
5. If an infant learned to use words to describe past memories, then
A) still, he would lack the ability of recognizing himself properly.
B) he would probably be able to remember those past events.
C) the researchers of the 2004 study would not believe that.
D) verbalizing for them would be as similar as an average man.
The sky was nearer black than blue. At 24 000 feet on Mount Everest, Dr. Mike keyed his
radio and began to speak. Far below at the Khumbu Glacier Base Camp, I punched the
record button of the digital tape recorder connected to my Motorola Maxtrax two-way radio.
We were testing my evolutionary theory that the brain mechanisms that control our tongues,
larynx, and lips when we talk are the evolutionary bases for complex human thought. The
experiment was successful. As we reported in Nature, the international journal of science,
the climbing teams’ speech motor control and their ability to comprehend simple sentences
had both deteriorated.
By the time they had reached 24 000 feet, they needed 50 percent more time to
understand sentences that six-year-old children readily comprehend. The lack of oxygen at
extreme altitudes affected brain mechanisms that regulate both speech motor control and
syntax. The climbers’ decision-making abilities deteriorated as well. Putting these effects
together with the results of many other independent experimental studies, we were able to
show that the parts of the human brain that control speech also play a part in thinking.
[Lieberman, Ph. (1998). Eve spoke. New York: W.W. Norton & Company; p. 3]
1. What does the word LACK mean?
A) need B) damage C) offense D) absence
2. The experiment on Mount Everest mainly shows that the author’s theory is
A) plausible. B) intricate. C) subtle. D) unfamiliar.
3. It is inferred that there is a ___________ correlation between linguistic faculty and
cognitive skills.
A) null B) diffuse C) negative D) positive
4. It is inferred that language has a ______________ foundation.
A) historical B) biological C) cultural D) behavioral
5. It follows from the passage that scientific enterprise is often
A) speculative. B) isolated. C) solidary. D) random.

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